HALLelujah 2
A group exhibition curated by Janie Nicoll, featuring artworks by:
Alex Hetherington
Amy Marletta
Anna Francis
Hanneline Visnes
Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir
Janie Nicoll
Jim Colquhoun
Karen Vaughan
Kenny Hunter
Kevin Hutcheson
Krisdy Shindler
Elizabeth Rowe
Neil Coombs
Oliver Braid
Rachel Mimiec
Opening event Saturday 17th April 2-4 pm
Venue: 212 West Princes Street, Woodlands, Glasgow G4 9DL
Contact no. 00 44 141 575 9773 mob. 07971 602270
Opening times 17th - 24th April 11-5pm (not Sunday 18th)
25th - 2nd May by appointment.
HALLelujah 2 brings together the work of fifteen artists from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Stoke-on-Trent and North Wales. All the artists are loosely linked by an interest in drawing, print and collage in all their various forms. The work will be displayed within a domestic setting, in the hallway of a Westend tenement flat.
HALLelujah 2 came about as a follow up to ‘HALLelujah !’ a group show in 2009, and other curatorial projects, The Consequence Video Screenings, (screened at Lowsalt, Glasgow, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop and the Deviant Art Festival, Trolhattan, Sweden); and The TWINS Calendar Project, where artists were invited to make artworks for specific flats in Callendar Park High Flats, Falkirk during a residency undertaken by Janie Nicoll and Alex Hetherington at Callendar House, Falkirk.
The work in this exhibition illustrates a diversity of approach ranging from vinyl lettering text-work by Alex Hetherington; poster-works by Kenny Hunter and Kridsy Shindler; drawings by Amy Marletta, Hrafinhildur Halldórsdóttir, Hanneline Visnes and Jim Colquhoun; embroidered text work by Karen Vaughan; Anna Francis decoupage homage to the 1986 Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival, surreal photomontage works by Neil Coombs, paintings by Rachel Mimiec, to the collage works in different forms by Oliver Braid, Janie Nicoll, Kevin Hutcheson and Elizabeth Rowe.
Info on featured artists
Alex Hetherington is a performance-based visual artist, curator and writer. Recent work includes: the Alt-W funded A Million Lies; Once and Only Revealed After Death (Triangle of Need) developed during a Creative Lab residency at CCA, presented at Reveal/Reset, Inspace August 2009, Edinburgh Art Festival and at Signal and Noise, Vancouver, May 2010; and Heavy Influence presented at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, August 2009, Edinburgh Art Festival. Other recent shows include Warehouse of Horrors, The Embassy Gallery at Swg3, Glasgow, Embassy Screen, The Embassy, Edinburgh; I Am Kurious Orange, at David Cunningham Projects, San Francisco, USA; The Colony Room, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, USA and House/Lights at OPA 0.2 On Performance Art Festival at Bios, Athens, Greece.
Amy Marletta graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone Art College, Dundee in 2002, before undertaking the MFA at Glasgow School of Art in 2008. Recent exhibitions include ‘Self-Made Cavalcade’, Arts Complex, Edinburgh/ Akademie Galerie, Munich; ‘Don’t Cry It’s Only a Rhythm’, Generator Projects, Dundee. Amy is also part of artist collective GANGHUT, recent exhibitions/projects include, ‘Hands Across the Fire’, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee and ‘Ganghut Gala Day’, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire.
For more info www.ganghut.co.uk
Marletta’s work for this exhibition is part of a larger series of drawings that relate to video and performance work stemming from ‘Dance Troupe’, an ongoing project, which is a hangover from the artist’s disco dancing youth. Always roping in friends and other artists she is the only constant, making up music, routines, t-shirts, props etc. Having repressed this need for group dance activity for many years, she feels that she doesn’t yet have it out of her system, as she continues to feel more and more ridiculous. The drawings form a set of ambiguous instructions for movement alongside advice for everyday life.
Anna Francis is an artist, based in Stoke-on-Trent. Her work examines private histories, public space and civic languages; using forms of intervention, mapping and photography to investigates the impact of art and culture on the regeneration of cities. The decoupage kit is part of her investigations into the 1986 Garden Festival for the first time. Francis is interested in excavating the site as it is today, uncovering the physical remnants of the Festival, as well as probing the impact and legacy in other ways. How does this piece, specific and relevant to one city instigate conversations in another?
Elizabeth Rowe, has recently completed residencies at Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam, NL, 2009, and Dudley Library, UK 2009. Solo exhibitons include If Distance was an Object Between Us, HWW, Rotterdam, 2009; Tiny Details, Grotesque Proportions, New Art Gallery Walsall, UK, 2008; My Sponsor is the Leader of the Country, MAC, Birmingham, 2006. She lives and works in Birmingham, UK.
Rowe makes work from material she accumulates. Things that are given to her, objects she finds in the streets or buys from 2nd hand shops, newspapers, magazines and free advertising. Through a range of processes such as cutting up, reassembling or drawing over, she attempts to control the mass of stuff she gathers and to edit her self into the work
With an interest in questioning the nature of different ‘realities’ while realising that the only one she will ever know is her own, she mashes up and reinterprets different sources, histories and ideas. The results are overlaps, ruptures and spillages of meaning that open spaces between public and private experience and make connections between the global and the local.
Hanneline Visnes, orginally from Norway, is a painter who lives and works in Glasgow. She completed a BA at Glasgow School of Art in 1997 and the MFA at GSA in 2002. In 2005 she undertook the SAC Amsterdam Residency and has exhibited nationally and internationally. She currently exhibits with doggerfisher Gallery, Edinburgh.
Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir was born in Reykjavík, Iceland, spent parts of her childhood in Denmark and has since 1998 lived and worked in Glasgow. She graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 2001 (BA Hons) and 2007 (MFA). In her sculptures and installations the psychological nature of the negotiation of circumstance and contradictory forces of chaos and control are combined with the formal concerns of negotiating form and space. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally including recent solo shows in Overgaden-Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen and Galleri Box, Gothenburg and group shows in Artnews Projects, Berlin, Glasgow International, Intermedia/Glasgow and Galerie LHK, Paris.
Janie Nicoll is a visual artist based in Glasgow, who originally trained in Painting at Edinburgh College of Art and graduated from the Master of Fine Art course at Glasgow School of Art in 1997. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally, most recently in the "Getting Up -Windows In the City", Inverness Old Town Art Project; Scottish National Portrait Gallery in ‘Rough Cut Nation’; ‘Heavy Influence’, Magazine 09 at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop: Jamie Radcliffe Exhibition at SWG3; ‘Meddle With the Devil’ and ‘Garlands’ at The Park Gallery, Falkirk; Magazine 07, ESW; ‘Associates’ at the Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh; ‘The Consequence’ at Intermedia Gallery, CCA, Glasgow; the Deviant Arts Festival, Trollhättan, Sweden; Red Wire Gallery, Liverpool; Generator Projects, Dundee; Chapter Gallery, Cardiff; Lowsalt Gallery and EmergeD VSF Gallery, Glasgow; The Waygood Gallery, Newcastle; The Changing Room, Stirling; the Crawford Gallery, Cork and the Künstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany amongst others. Her video works have been shown internationally including the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Nicoll's work generally takes the form of site-specific installation often involving multiple digital images, collage techniques, drawing, painting, and assemblage that allow a process of translation.
Jim Colquhoun is an artist and writer based in Glasgow. His work seeks to negotiate the boundaries between art and life, waking and dreaming, fiction and fact. To this end he produces drawings, installations, performances and texts. Colquhoun is a recent graduate from the Environmental Art Department and Master of Fine Art Course at Glasgow School of Art. He has shown recently in Edinburgh, Copenhagen, New York, Stockholm and Glasgow.
Karen Vaughan graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 1991, and from the Master of Fine Art at the University of Ulster, Belfast 1992. She was a founding member of Catalyst Arts, Belfast.
Much of her work deals in minutiae: from cracks in the pavement to graffiti on the wall and often combines technology - the camera, with labour-intensive processes that include stitching, embroidery and knitting.
Kenny Hunter studied sculpture at GSA, graduating in 1987, lives and works in the Glasgow.
The winner of the Benno and Millie Schotz Award in 1991, he has exhibited widely in the UK, France and Scandinavia, including the major shows Hyperboreans, Glasgow (1992) and Work 1995-98, Bristol (1998), and has won several prestigious commissions for public sculpture in Scotland.
His work in Glasgow includes the Cherub and Skull, Tron Theatre (1999), The Calf, Graham Square (1999), The Castlemilk Dome, Castlemilk (1999) and Citizen Firefighter, Gordon Street (2001). Outwith Glasgow, he has executed public work at Hamilton, Four Youths (1998), and Sunderland, Interalia Stevenson Trail (1995). One of his most recent commissions, Man Walks Amongst Us (2000), a statue of Christ, was awarded by Glasgow City Council to mark the Christian Millennium.
His work is represented in the Scottish Arts Council, the British School in Athens, SNPG and GOMA.
Kevin Hutcheson was born in 1971 and currently lives and works in Glasgow. Hutcheson graduated from Chelsea College of Art & Design in 2002 and has since exhibited in a number of group shows including a solo exhibitions at Jack Strenz Gallery, Frankfurt, Alexandre Pollazzon, London, and The Collective Gallery, Edinburgh and group exhibitions at LEARN TO READ Tate Modern, London, Transmission, Glasgow; Maribel Lopez Gallery, Berlin; EAST International, Norwich Gallery, Jack Hanley Gallery, San Francisco; f a projects, London; Country Grammer at the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow and The Birthday Party at the Collective Gallery in Edinburgh.
Krisdy Shindler is a visual artist from Vancouver (Canada). Krisdy completed her ‘Masters of Fine Arts’ degree at The Glasgow School of Art in 2006. Her work in painting and animation has been exhibited in Canada, Israel, Denmark, Sweden, Wales, Puerto Rico, Columbia, and across Spain, the UK and Scotland. Recent exhibitions: When a Painting Moves… Something Must be Rotten, curated by Paco Barragan, exhibited at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Centro Colombo Americano, Bogota (Colombia), and Fundacion Godia (Barcelona); Listening to Silent Propaganda at Candyland Gallery in Stockholm a solo show featuring new works made on a residency at the Malongen Guest studio in 2008; International video art: Two-sidedness curated by Sandra Weil at the Kulturhuset in Stockholm 2008; Video Killed the Painting Star curated by Paco Barragan and Javier Panera at DA2 Salamanca Spain.
Krisdy is also co-founder and Co-Director of Lowsalt, an artist-run initiative and gallery that has delivered over 30 gallery exhibitions and site-specific art shows in Glasgow Scotland since inception in 2006. Positioned at the crossing of ‘DIY’ gallery culture and institutional networks, Lowsalt provides a platform for creative and cross-disciplinary practitioners to collaboratively produce and exhibit their work, www.lowsalt.org.uk. Her practices are now based both in Vancouver and Glasgow.
Neil Coombs is an artist and writer based in North Wales. He is a lecturer in Art and Media at Coleg Llandrillo, Colwyn Bay and is currently researching Humphrey Jennings and British Surrealism for a PhD with Liverpool JMU.
The work in this exhibition is taken from the ongoing photomontage series The Phantoms of the Places that I Haunt. Each work in the series consists of photographs taken during micro-dérives in places that Neil visits regularly. The photographs are then placed in a repeated formal arrangement creating a sequence of faces, each one a phantom figure from the location visited. The Phantoms of the Places that I Haunt series takes its inspiration from the paintings of Giuseppe Arcimboldo and the work of the Czech and Slovak surrealist group, particularly the photographs of Emilia Medkova and the animations of Jan Svankmajer.
Oliver Braid graduated from Falmouth College of Arts in 2006 and is currently working towards his Master of Fine Art at Glasgow School of Art.
Selected exhibitions include You're A Voigin Who Can't Droive (Film Screening), CCA Glasgow 2009, Jamie Radcliffe: The Exhibition, SWG3 Glasgow 2009, Frieze Art Fair, London 2009, Climate for Change, FACT Liverpool 2009, Next Up, the Bluecoat Liverpool 2008.
Rachel Mimiec studied at The Glasgow School of Art, graduating from the Master of Fine Art department in 2000. She lives and works in Glasgow.
Rachel’s work is as varied as the contexts she responds to but can be linked as explorations of public/ private dialogue and exchange. She recently spent eighteen months as artist in residence in The Hidden Gardens at Tramway culminating in the exhibition Looking Out, Lookin In, as part of GI 2008.
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